38e Edition Festival du Film Italien de Villerupt - France

Omaggio al cinema italiano 


by Chekos'art & Ania K

 Kulturfabrik Esch-sur-Alzette Urban Art Project for 2015. This time, we brought back to life the wonderful "Gare routière" in Villerupt for theFestival du Film italien de Villerupt - L'officiel . Many thanks to everybody who made this possible: Ville de Villerupt, Pôle de l'image, DRAC Lorraine & Sébastien Paci and all the artists: CHEKOS ARTKitela AnkaDaniele AlongeBR1Dott. Porka's P-Proj. And very, very special thanks to Art Square & Piotr Gawel. We love you!


#Vittoriogassman #Dinorisi

 # Magnani #Gianmariavolonte'
 #Federicofellini #Mastroiani #Belluccimonica
 #toto' #Benigni

